On August 2012 someone was on his way to work when he saw that his neighbors had taped shut the mouth of their little Doberman dog. The neighbors were know for being troublemakers and violent so he did not want to confront them. Instead he took a picture and shared it on Social Media, including alocal online paper called Observador Ciudadano.
Although he did not feel safe enough to confront the abuser, his action started a chain of events that led to the picture becoming viral and soon there were thousands of people talking about the dog and sharing the picture.
Several online petitions were started and collected tens of thousands of signatures. Unfortunately the person that first posted the picture did not share the exact location of the dog and subsecuent posts in English got the name of the city wrong. A simple mispelling of one latter turned the well known city of Tepic into the obcure town "Tepec", complicating matters for people who were trying to find the dog.
On August 15, Carole Vince shared the picture to the Facebook group Save the Doberman Breed. By this time the picture had gone around the world and people and organizations like Cesar Millan, Peta and Care2 were following the case.
Unaware of this, a local rescuer named Fernanda was trying to rescue the dog. She Called authorities and was able to at least force the abusers to remove the tape. Laws at that time and location prevented authorities from taking further action so Fernanda had to resign herself to check on the dog's welfare and tot try to convince the abusers to surrender the dog but they were unmoved.
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